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Neo Penguin Alliance -Travian US Server 5

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    Appllication Empty Appllication

    Post  ynoel Sat Jul 25, 2009 9:38 pm

    1. What's your IGN (In Game Name)?

    2. Have you been in another alliance? If yes, why did you leave it?

    3. Have you been attacked by anyone in the past 3 days?
    If so, please give us details on the attacks, including how many resources they are getting.
    No, I have not been attacked in the past 3 days.

    4. How long have you been playing Travian? Have you been through a full game (start to endgame) yet?
    I have been playing Travian since about May. I do not have any prior experience with Travian but I have been able to grow very fast due to good strategizing and playing smart.

    5. If you have not played Travian long, how do you feel about having a mentor?
    I would not mind receiving tips and assistance from a more experienced player.

    6. What is your play style? Do you focus on offense, defense, or production?
    I am typically an offensive player who also focus on production. I am however open to either playing style as I can adjust fairly easy due to high production levels.

    7. What do you expect out of an alliance? Why do you want to join?
    I except there to be open communication and good leadership. I am looking to join because I would like to be apart of a growing alliance with a good reputation in my area.

    8. Tell us something about yourself, and why you'd make a good alliance member?
    I am typically online 24/7 including at work, on the Itouch, and during the night. I am somewhat of an insomniac, which is the reason I signed up for Travian in the first place, to have something to do in the middle of the night when I can't sleep. I think that I would be a good alliance member because I am willing to provide any assistance to other alliance members when needed or requested.

    9. How often do you check your Travian account?
    I am online 24/7.

      Current date/time is Sun Nov 24, 2024 5:59 am