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Neo Penguin Alliance -Travian US Server 5

Have you read the forums today?
Add your own personal avatar! We want to see what you (or your penguin alter ego) looks like!



    Application Empty Application

    Post  mc82 Wed Apr 29, 2009 2:32 pm

    1. What's your IGN (In Game Name)?

    2. Have you been in another alliance? If yes, why did you leave it?
    I am currently a leader in EGA~BW. I might need some time to tie up things there. Leading an alliance with many beginners was no longer fun and since this is a game I'm looking to move on.

    3. Have you been attacked by anyone in the past 3 days?
    If so, please give us details on the attacks, including how many resources they are getting.

    4. How long have you been playing Travian? Have you been through a full game (start to endgame) yet?
    I started in January, I am currently going through end game on server 2.

    5. If you have not played Travian long, how do you feel about having a mentor?
    I would appreciate it.

    6. What is your play style? Do you focus on offense, defense, or production?
    I have a mixed style but I'd say primarily offensive.

    7. What do you expect out of an alliance? Why do you want to join?
    I'm still relatively new to the game so I'm looking to learn from experience players. I would hope the alliance has strong leadership that can give its members goals to achive that will position us well for end game.

    8. Tell us something about yourself, and why you'd make a good alliance member?
    This is the first server I started from the begining so I got a slow start but have continually climbed up the ranks since. I'm looking to learn more about the game so I can do whatever is needed of me to support our alliance goals.

    9. How often do you check your Travian account?
    I am online all day at work, I check my account regularly at home, and I have an iPhone for the rest of the time.

    Look forward to hearing from you.

      Current date/time is Wed Nov 27, 2024 11:16 pm