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Neo Penguin Alliance -Travian US Server 5

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    application Empty application

    Post  erica101 Mon Jun 01, 2009 10:56 pm

    1. What's your IGN (In Game Name)?
    2. Have you been in another alliance? If yes, why did you leave it?
    Yes. The alliance fell apart due to attacks on some of the members from RATAN.
    3. Have you been attacked by anyone in the past 3 days?
    If so, please give us details on the attacks, including how many resources they are getting.
    Yes, By some peon that is an idiot.He seems to think that he cant be destroyed by attacking the wrong person. He did not get much due to the fact that I have been spending all my resources on getting up my cropper. Currently he is enjoying cats... Wink
    4. How long have you been playing Travian? Have you been through a full game (start to endgame) yet?
    started in Feb. No, but I sure would like to kick some butt trying to get there. It would be a great experience.
    5. If you have not played Travian long, how do you feel about having a mentor?
    I am all for it! You cant master something without learning what it takes to get there from other players. Knowledge is everything in this game.
    6. What is your play style? Do you focus on offense, defense, or production?
    I was just working on all my production mostly along with some offense and defense in the villages that are all built up. It is always a work in progress...The plan that mrblah00 and i have come up with, I'll be offense and he'll be defense. We have croppers 7 squares apart.
    7. What do you expect out of an alliance? Why do you want to join?
    Lots of Knowledge! You look like a group that really knows how to work together and still be dangerous on your own. My father in law and brother in law speak highly of you guys so I thought I would give it a try.
    8. Tell us something about yourself, and why you'd make a good alliance member?
    I actually set my alarm in the middle of the night to send out an attack with my alliance members. I would be there for you guys in any way possible. My husband and I are quite a team also. He is mrblah00. We always have each others back and that also goes for some of the friends we have made.
    9. How often do you check your Travian account?
    all the time

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